How to calibrate a salt spray chamber?

How to calibrate a salt spray chamber?

How to calibrate a salt spray chamber?

Why we need to calibrate a salt spray chamber?
As a standardized testing process, we must make sure the salt spray chamber have the ability to create correct conditions, and we also need to ensure the salt spray tests we are carrying meet the requirements of relative standards.
When we need to calibrate a salt spray chamber?
1) When we haven’t been carried a salt spray test long time.
2) When we get the salt spray chamber been repaired, maintained, or transported.
3) When we find the test results are obviously improper.
How to calibrate a salt spray chamber?
Two ways:1) Calibrate by ourselves.
The salt spray chamber manufacturers always offer calibration kits. Carry the calibration process following the instruction of manufacturer. Below data should be measured and recorded continuously for more than 16 hours.
1.1 Temperature.
1.2 Quantity of fog.
1.3 Solution concentration.
1.4 Solution pH value.
1.5 Solution specific gravity.

2) Calibrate by a third party laboratory.
A laboratory should have detailed and standardized procedure of carrying such calibration, and a detailed calibration certificate should be issued. An accredited laboratory is necessary.