ASTM B117 Salt Spray(fog) Test Introduction

ASTM B 117 is the most widely used standard for the salt spray test, it was developed in 1930s but there are still many companies carrying salt spray(fog) test based on this standard.


Some characters of this standard:

1) Test area:

Temperature: 35±20C

Humidity: Uncontrolled

2) Bubble tower temperature: 46-49±20C

3) Salt solution:

Concentration: 5±1%

pH value: 6.5-7.2

4) Fog quantity: 1.0-2.0mL/80cm2/h


This is a very simple test with continuous salt spray, all chambers in market are able to comply with it.


Weice’s WTS chambers are designed to carry ASTM B 117 test with very simple and easy operation. The test volume is as small as only 108L which makes the chamber very cost-effective. Click for more details.